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                        "*": "{{Eras|}}\n{{Character_Infobox_Jedi\n|imageBG=\n|image=[[File:Satelle.jpg|250px]]\n|name=Satelle\n|hideb=\n|homeworld=[ Mirial]\n|birth=3,667 BBY (26)\n|death=\n|hidep=\n|species=[ Mirialan]\n|gender=Female\n|hair=Auburn\n|eyes=Gray\n|skin=\n|cyber=\n|hidec=\n|era=[ Old Republic] \n|affiliation=*[ Galactic Republic]\n*[ Jedi Order]\n|masters=[[Artur Tanreall]]\n|apprentices=None}}\n\n=Biography=\n==Early Life==\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi elementum cursus ultrices. Suspendisse in nisi sem, sit amet lobortis erat. Praesent a ornare elit. Nullam vehicula, nunc ut viverra pellentesque, enim justo euismod nunc, ac adipiscing mauris metus non odio. Nullam in leo feugiat risus consequat ultrices. Maecenas sodales faucibus nisi, ut bibendum urna luctus nec. Nam tincidunt, dolor et cursus mollis, ligula nisl mattis velit, ut tempor lacus enim sed massa. Donec fringilla, dolor eu tincidunt semper, metus lacus tincidunt orci, vel vehicula massa massa in ipsum. Nullam lacinia aliquet lacinia. Curabitur rhoncus neque et diam adipiscing blandit. Nulla vel dui neque. Integer facilisis sodales tellus nec ullamcorper. Pellentesque vitae odio nulla. Maecenas porttitor aliquet tempor. Donec sem diam, malesuada a faucibus quis, scelerisque et dui.\n\nMauris feugiat interdum elementum. Quisque urna elit, semper quis tristique sed, dignissim at nibh. Nam nec erat purus, sit amet pharetra tortor. Nulla facilisi. Morbi ornare pellentesque libero, id pharetra tellus tempor eget. Curabitur et libero purus. Suspendisse eu congue metus. Integer arcu ipsum, pulvinar ut fermentum nec, interdum ac quam. Sed accumsan dolor et neque luctus quis pharetra ligula faucibus. Sed non justo sed erat aliquam auctor sit amet ac erat. Aliquam in quam enim. Nullam ut convallis odio. Etiam suscipit mauris mollis eros lacinia malesuada. Maecenas nec magna quam.\n\nEtiam mattis viverra tempor. Morbi quis luctus enim. Aliquam at enim eget lorem mattis aliquet. Phasellus elementum adipiscing viverra. Vestibulum pretium ligula sit amet mi viverra non scelerisque augue placerat. Praesent in magna sem, id interdum arcu. Nullam consequat justo sed leo congue a mattis orci lobortis. Proin vitae felis a mauris viverra aliquet a ac augue. In tincidunt laoreet nibh, sit amet tempus quam pulvinar non. Nullam ut elit arcu. Aliquam felis mi, gravida vitae luctus fermentum, commodo in libero. Curabitur ac velit magna. Nam faucibus iaculis nisi id vehicula. Proin eleifend mi sed mauris accumsan eu mollis erat pharetra. Suspendisse consectetur, elit consectetur congue viverra, libero diam lobortis libero, ut elementum libero urna auctor nulla.\n==Test==\nDonec urna urna, dapibus non pellentesque eget, vestibulum nec justo. Integer tempor luctus diam in ultrices. Donec sed lacus id enim porttitor convallis. Morbi mi eros, congue ut elementum at, commodo et nibh. Donec eget purus velit, eu commodo nibh. Pellentesque eu ligula nec libero pellentesque convallis. Fusce viverra vulputate pellentesque.\n\nMorbi imperdiet ipsum id magna ullamcorper vel pellentesque odio pharetra. Duis rutrum tincidunt sem, eu consectetur est gravida id. Donec ac nisi augue, in euismod augue. Sed ut tortor erat, at commodo mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam consequat tempus nisi sed iaculis. Suspendisse sed lectus odio, sed rutrum urna. Quisque felis nibh, rutrum ac pulvinar at, imperdiet a lorem. Donec odio purus, porttitor a pharetra ac, interdum eu nisl. Ut nisi mi, congue quis elementum ac, posuere a nisl. Vestibulum justo mauris, semper in pharetra vel, venenatis ut ligula. Maecenas ac ante justo, sed tempor nisl. Morbi dapibus aliquet purus, ac lacinia erat faucibus feugiat. Sed semper felis eu sem ultrices convallis.\n==Knighthood==\nDonec at odio eros, sit amet viverra felis. Duis a nisl at augue aliquet lobortis quis et urna. Curabitur egestas tempus rhoncus. Donec tempor ornare placerat. Nam aliquam nisi eu orci pharetra accumsan malesuada at dui. Praesent eu nisi non turpis sodales porttitor. Nullam condimentum ante rutrum dolor rhoncus eleifend. Donec sollicitudin volutpat mattis. Quisque vel velit nisl. Curabitur dignissim rutrum leo quis faucibus. Pellentesque dolor leo, pharetra id facilisis non, laoreet quis elit. Aenean justo urna, porta a viverra ac, accumsan vitae lacus. In adipiscing facilisis odio sed placerat. Sed vestibulum dolor a sapien cursus aliquam.\n\nAliquam porta libero vel mauris facilisis eget ultricies sem tempor. Praesent sit amet dui lectus. Aliquam a leo nisi, quis gravida purus. Mauris feugiat euismod porttitor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris in augue non urna posuere aliquet sed nec sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse vitae nunc ligula, at sollicitudin ipsum. Vivamus congue cursus sem eget porta. Ut hendrerit interdum metus, id gravida sapien aliquet eget. Quisque sodales velit vel nulla semper ut posuere tortor rhoncus.\n\nProin lectus elit, ornare a ornare a, tristique eget dui. Ut ullamcorper fermentum lacus, eget consequat libero suscipit non. Donec nisi neque, congue at dictum a, iaculis sed quam. Duis id arcu tellus. In et fringilla tortor. Phasellus eget magna gravida urna pharetra accumsan at eu est. Phasellus convallis, est quis laoreet gravida, ante arcu ornare urna, eget placerat magna odio in lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis quam ligula, rutrum a bibendum id, tempus in velit. Nunc iaculis tempus laoreet. In sit amet cursus lorem. Integer adipiscing, diam sit amet dignissim blandit, tortor mi mattis lectus, eget molestie erat orci a erat. Vestibulum mattis erat eget nunc molestie ultricies. Donec tempus sollicitudin nulla ut aliquet. Cras volutpat egestas dapibus. Curabitur ante est, semper ac pretium sit amet, placerat vitae erat.\n\nPhasellus id turpis velit, gravida vestibulum dolor. Fusce pretium nisl non odio pretium elementum. Nam posuere magna eget risus mattis id euismod felis faucibus. Fusce ultricies, justo et vestibulum lobortis, nisl augue faucibus nunc, et cursus massa magna sollicitudin risus. Ut aliquet mi sed diam auctor mattis faucibus purus cursus. Mauris id orci ipsum, vitae rhoncus justo. Sed egestas pretium neque, sed adipiscing nunc iaculis vel. Curabitur sit amet tortor lectus, vel mattis enim. Nunc posuere nunc sem, vel pulvinar mi. Mauris sit amet dui arcu. Morbi malesuada ultricies enim, quis eleifend massa volutpat eu. Cras semper congue metus ut condimentum. Aliquam in magna vel orci congue scelerisque. Nulla nec arcu eros, quis hendrerit purus. Duis nunc ligula, molestie malesuada scelerisque non, eleifend in erat.\n\n=Personality and Traits=\n=Powers, Abilities and Equipment=\n[[File:Tyren_saber.png|thumb|250px|Tyren's second lightsaber.]]\nVestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut ligula urna, porttitor eu feugiat quis, rhoncus nec est. Nullam vitae eros lectus. Aliquam dignissim arcu vel magna accumsan pulvinar. Morbi ante diam, varius eu sodales ac, rhoncus ac velit. Proin magna urna, congue dapibus interdum nec, rutrum vel odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in sollicitudin nisi. Nullam quis arcu nisi. Sed fermentum commodo justo nec elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin mollis consequat eleifend. Etiam aliquam risus vitae arcu mattis tincidunt.\n\nVivamus tincidunt imperdiet auctor. Pellentesque tincidunt tempor elit, quis fermentum nunc porttitor sagittis. Praesent dictum, ipsum viverra sollicitudin commodo, mi magna rhoncus felis, vitae aliquam ante velit non tellus. In a arcu ligula, ac varius felis. Sed ut leo id augue rutrum sagittis sit amet ac lacus. Cras ultrices dapibus ultricies. Maecenas at magna quis metus fringilla congue. Duis odio ligula, congue et egestas id, condimentum in velit. Maecenas sodales blandit nisl in venenatis. Morbi cursus interdum tristique. Pellentesque nisi tellus, mollis lobortis sagittis non, laoreet a dolor. Nullam ultrices quam quis neque sagittis sodales. Nulla et enim bibendum dui ullamcorper semper. Sed molestie luctus sem non ullamcorper. Cras libero elit, ornare a euismod quis, ornare a tortor.\n\nUt rhoncus fringilla tellus, in tincidunt risus venenatis et. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc elit justo, convallis vitae pulvinar feugiat, commodo non massa. Sed ac mi orci, vel consequat ante. Aliquam tempus pulvinar odio, ac viverra urna placerat a. Nunc at justo vehicula orci condimentum lobortis eu faucibus mauris. In eu lacus nibh, at ullamcorper massa. Mauris vitae elit a elit tristique gravida nec eget orci. Aenean cursus bibendum faucibus. Curabitur turpis sapien, congue et commodo et, commodo at lectus. Praesent sem dolor, ornare vitae placerat quis, facilisis vel urna.\n=Behind the Scenes="
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                        "*": "{{Eras|}}\n{{Character_Infobox\n|imageBG=\n|image=[[File:Trebblen2.png|250px]]\n|name=Major Trebblen\n|hideb=\n|homeworld=Coruscant\n|birth=3674 BBY\n|death=\n|hidep=\n|species=Human\n|gender=Male\n|hair=Brown\n|eyes=Green\n|skin=White\n|hidec=\n|era=[ Old Republic] \n|affiliation=*[ Galactic Republic]\n**[ Republic Military]\n***[ Republic Army]\n****[ Republic Special Forces Division]}}\n\n=Biography=\nBorn as the middle child, with an older brother and younger sister, his father had passed away in the fighting with the Sith some years ago and was raised solely by his mother. Having a fairly normal childhood growing up in the crowded capital of Coruscant, Trebblen spent much of his youth studying history and visiting the Senate tower, having grown up in the populated city-world he developed a love for architecture and the Senate tower represented to him the long standing history of the Republic as well as one of it's engineering marvels. His other true passion was helping others that had no-one else to turn to, and could often be seen in the lower levels volunteering at many of the clinics, it was due to this that he decided to become a doctor and devoted his studies to the pursuit of learning all he could of medicine and healing treatments. When the Empire sacked Coruscant he saw first hand the horrors that the Sith were capable of, losing his sister in collapsing debris, while him and his brother survived it put a terrible strain on the family and his mother passed away four years later, while his brother boarded a shuttle to head to the outer-rim and get away from anything that could remind him of home.\n\nSwearing to not let another tragedy like the loss of his sister happen again he joined the Republic army a year after his mothers death, and applied for and was granted entrance into it's special forces training academy, being a natural leader and quick learner of the tactics being taught, he was assigned a honor guard position on a routine diplomat ship, during which he successfully repelled a pirate boarding action earning him praise and the attention of military brass.\nTwo years later he graduated and was assigned to Falcon squad as a front line assault specialist a role that he thrived in. Having proved himself a competent commander and willing to go the extra mile to get the job done he was promoted to head is own squad just as the cold war was starting to heat up.     \n==Early Military Career==\n\n==Siege of the Maidens Grace==\n   \nWhile assigned as an honor guard for Senator Khar Felsim, the transport Maidens Grace was disabled \nand boarded by several groups of pirates hoping to ransom the senator for the release of their \nleaders. After the death of commanding officers Lt. Desky and Sgt. Rook, Corporal Trebblen managed to\norganize the remainder of the guard and push back the pirates until the Republic Cruiser Karis IV could rescue the disabled transport.\n\n=Awards and Citations=\nMedal of Valor (Awarded after successfully repelling raiding party on Maidens Grace, and saving Senator Khar Felsim)\n\nHero's Cross (Awarded for taking down a pair of blaster turrets, which had pinned several civilian groups trying to flee from Imperial pursuit squads)\n\nCross of Glory (For capturing Admiral Rakton on Corellia)\n\n2 Senatorial Citations for Uncommon Valor\n\n1 Chancellery Badge of Merit\n\nHonor-bearer of the Fallen 372nd Heavy Assault Regiment\n\n=Personality and Traits=\nLaid back and easy going when not deployed, once he is however he becomes a serious and relentless force willing to do what is necessary to ensure the Republic always comes out on top, yet still has a deep sense of of honor, and a moral code that dictates all his actions. Known to be extremely caring for the men and women under his command and a fair judge of PoW's.\n*Of particular note, he can't stand people that talk down to or otherwise have a superiority complex and as such has been reassigned from any missions involving the Voss people.\n==Special Weapons and Tactics Training==\nHighly trained in the use of all conventional weapons, as well as improvised weapons and explosives.\n\nExtremely comfortable in the use of heavy armor, each piece had been modified and reworked countless times to the point the only original features are the shape.\n\nTrained in advanced assault tactics, but specializes in defensive, stalling, and tactics that can wear down an enemy, prefers the use of highly sophisticated shield generators and has perfected their use both on and off the field.\n\nTrained in covert infiltration, extraction, threat assessment and elimination, and sabotage.\n\nDistinguished liaison between Republic Spec Ops and Senatorial Oversight Committee.\n\nSpecial attention should be paid if he ever unsheathes his pistol, this pistol was given to him as a graduation present when he finished his training at the academy, recovered from the debris of the battle of Ara Plains where the 372nd was wiped out during the first war. Given to Corporal Trebblen for showing unmatched leadership skills, this blaster was non functional when it was recovered but it has since been restored to pristine condition and upgraded with every known mod available. While not as fast firing as the blaster rifle what it lacks in speed it makes up for in power, using an older dx mk-5 capacitor in place of the quicker capacitors in blasters today it can deliver an enormous burst of energy on par with many of the high end sniper rifles the only drawback is that it has to recharge after every 5-6 shots.\n\n=Current Whereabouts=\nHas been spotted at several key hotspots across the galaxy, including Corellia during the so called Black Hole incident, and more recently traveling to the outer-rim, however Republic files as to what he was doing exactly are sealed, in addition there are reports of him on Ord Mantell as well as deep in Hutt Space."